What is Fair-Trade?

At Diesel House Coffee Roasters, we are committed to supporting ethical and sustainable practices in the coffee industry. That's why we are proud to offer fair-trade coffee to our customers. Paying a fair price for coffee beans is essential to supporting small-scale farmers and their communities. By choosing fair-trade coffee, our customers are enjoying a delicious cup of coffee and supporting a movement that values ethical and sustainable practices.

In addition to supporting fair prices for farmers, fair-trade coffee also promotes environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Our fair-trade coffee is sourced from growers who adhere to strict environmental standards, which helps to preserve the natural resources that coffee production relies on. Fair-trade coffee also supports social programs that improve the lives of coffee farmers and their communities, such as education and healthcare initiatives.

The fair-trade coffee offered by Diesel House Coffee Roasters allows our consumers to sip on a beautiful cup of joe while simultaneously supporting moral and ethical business methods in the coffee sector. Our dedication to fair-trade coffee reflects our principles and desire to give our consumers the most fantastic coffee experience possible.

African farmer holding coffee cherries.


Organic coffee has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its many health benefits and environmentally friendly production methods. At Diesel House Coffee Roasters, we are proud to offer a range of delicious organic coffee blends that are carefully selected and roasted to perfection.

So, what exactly is organic coffee, and how does it differ from conventionally grown coffee? Organic coffee is grown without the use of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or other harmful chemicals. Instead, farmers use natural methods to control pests and enrich the soil, such as composting, crop rotation, and natural predators.

Here are some of the key benefits of consuming organic coffee:

  1. Better for Your Health: Conventionally grown coffee is often treated with various chemicals, including pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides. These chemicals can have harmful effects on human health, such as disrupting hormones and harming the nervous system. On the other hand, organic coffee is grown without these harmful chemicals, making it a safer and healthier choice.

  2. Environmentally Friendly: Sustainable agricultural techniques that support soil health and biodiversity are used to grow organic coffee. Avoiding synthetic chemicals, organic farmers help to protect the environment and preserve natural ecosystems. This is important because conventional coffee farming has been linked to deforestation, habitat destruction, and soil erosion.

  3. Better for the Farmers: Organic coffee is often grown by small-scale farmers who face numerous challenges, such as low prices and market volatility. By choosing organic coffee, you are supporting these farmers and helping to ensure that they receive fair prices for their hard work. This can help reduce poverty and improve the quality of life for farming communities worldwide.

  4. More Flavorful: Organic coffee is often grown at higher altitudes, where the beans ripen more slowly and develop a richer flavour. Organic coffee can be more flavorful and complex than conventionally grown coffee.

At Diesel House Coffee Roasters, we believe organic coffee is the best choice for our customers and the environment. Our organic coffee blends are carefully selected, ensuring you get the best possible flavour and quality. So, why not try one of our delicious organic coffee blends today and taste the difference for yourself?

Coffee farmer drying cherries