Frequently asked questions.

How do you store coffee beans to keep them fresh?

To keep coffee beans fresh, store them in an airtight container away from light, moisture, and heat. Only grind what you need for each brewing session, and avoid freezing the beans as it can damage their flavour.

How Long do coffee beans stay fresh?

We recommend consuming coffee beans within 2 to 4 weeks of their purchase for maximum freshness and flavour.

What are the different types of coffee roasts?

There are generally four main types of coffee roasts: light roast, medium roast, dark roast, and espresso roast. Each kind has unique flavour, colour, and acidity characteristics.

what are the best brewing methods for different coffee roasts?

The best brewing method for coffee roasts can vary depending on personal preference. Still, generally, light roasts are best brewed with pour-over or drip coffee makers; medium roasts can be brewed with a variety of methods such as drip, pour-over, French press, and AeroPress; dark roasts are best brewed using stronger methods such as espresso, French press, or Moka pot, and espresso roasts are specifically roasted for use in espresso machines but can also be used in other methods. Ultimately, the best brewing method for a particular coffee roast comes down to personal taste.

what is the difference between single-origin and blends?

Single-origin coffee is made from beans that come from one specific geographic location, whereas blended coffee is made by combining beans from different locations.

How can i brew coffee at home like a prO?

To brew coffee at home like a pro, use freshly roasted beans, grind them just before brewing, use the right amount of coffee (1 to 2 tablespoons per 6 ounces of water), use the proper water temperature (between 195 and 205 degrees Fahrenheit), brew for the right amount of time (2-4 minutes), use a scale to ensure consistency, and experiment with different brewing methods to find your preferred taste.

Do you offer any fair trade & Organic coffee?

All of our blends are Fair-trade certified and 100% organic.